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Lynn Breeze

I am Lynn Breeze. Aged four, I set off on my career in books. All I liked to do was read and draw, but I had to go to school first where I was only ever any good at reading and drawing.

After school I went to Kingston-on-Thames College of Art. While there I was lucky to catch exhibitions at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London by inspiring illustrators such as Aubrey Beardsley and Arthur Rackham.

After a few jobs in studios, learning all the things I should have learned at art college, I became a freelance illustrator. Not being very organised, it’s a wonder that I ever got anything done at all.

But I have illustrated more than a hundred books and written stories for books, television and magazines. 

The process follows a pattern: excitement when I get the brief; pencil chewing while preparing sketchy roughs; bleary eyes and late nights when completing the artwork; relief when it’s finished and I’ve loved every minute!

Despite working with many publishers, my longest relationship has been with Sunshine Books. It started more than 30 years ago with The Cooking Pot by Joy Cowley and has continued up to now with Texture Treasure Hunt by Susan Frame and Smile! by Diana Noonan.

I’ve added cycling and singing to “things I like to do”. I do have two lovely daughters and they have brought three lovely little grandsons into my life. Like it or not, they have to listen to Granny reading stories from her own books.  

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