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Evan Croker

There is magic in writing and reading. All mediums for storytelling – novels, plays, screenplays, you name it – are a gateway to somebody’s soul, each with its own strengths. I made short films as a kid, then in high school wrote comedy for community (read, unpaid) radio, which in time led to my first interesting job: running a comedy department for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). I told my mother recently that I used to skive off school to do my community radio shows. Her answer was unexpected and wise – “Sometimes the skills you need can’t be found at school.”

Around the time of starting a comedy career for the ABC, I became inspired by my sister Verity working on her children’s books. Co-writing with colleague Justin Ball “Space Dogs”, a sci-fi adventure for tweens, got us an agent and publishing deals in the USA and Australia. For Sunshine Books I’ve written six stories now, and hope there are more to come! Sunshine values collaboration and the illustrators they choose for my books are second to none.

When not writing I’m a wildlife advocate, telling the stories of animals and their carers on social media:

You can read more about one of my projects at

Next Steps Decodables – Bottle from the Sea

Reading Road 3 – Pie in the Sky

Reading Road 4 – Living Room Beach

Reading Road 5 – Wombat Valley

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