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Decodable books for a structured literacy approach to teaching. Shop our books by learning stage below.

Sunshine Phonics Decodables Complete Programme

Packs for Years 0-3 - Books and Cards

These packs contain a comprehensive teaching kit for teachers of structured literacy in Years 0-3. They contain 70 titles from Series 1, 110 titles from Series 2, five x Teachers’ Books, 140 Sound Cards and 800 Word Cards.

Years 0-1 (Simple Code)

Set 2 Packs, 1 x 20 titles (g o b h e r f u l)
Sets 1–3, Single and Multipacks

Year 2 (Complex Code and Consolidation)

Set 4 Packs, 1 x 20 titles (th/th ch ng nk sh ai ee igh oa oo/oo)
Set 5 Packs, 1 x 20 titles (ar or ur ow oi ear air ure er)

Year 3 (Extended Code)

Series 1 Sets 6–7 Packs, 1 x 20 titles (Alternative Graphemes)

Years 3+

2024 Catalogue

Scope and Sequence

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