I was hatched in Poland, and raised in Toronto where I still reside. From my earliest days, I longed for nothing more than to look at pictures and then attempt to draw them. As a child I absorbed every picture book I could get my hands on. I read them all, drew them all and I smelled them all.
Soon enough I discovered the amazing world of animation.
I even tried to animate my own scenes, only to discover that tracing 24 frames per second was easier seen than done. Eventually my ambitions set on illustration. Many broken pencils and torn up pictures later, I went on to create art for various picture books, activity books, games and other products.

I am a self-taught artist and although I started with pencils and paper, I now work exclusively in the digital medium.
I still find myself influenced by animation, particularly the concept art done in the developmental stage of a film. I have had the privilege of illustrating one book for Sunshine Books – Lin’s Bags – and I hope to illustrate more in the future!