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Sandy McKay

I have been a writer for as long as I can remember. Probably since I was about eight. There are times in my life when I write regularly and times when I don’t. I am happiest when I’m writing but it can be hard to earn a living without having a ‘proper’ job to pay the bills.

I’ve had quite a few ‘proper’ jobs over the years. I’ve done all sorts, like picking cherries, waitressing, taking cooking classes and teaching people English. Once I even had my own fruit and vege shop. That was fun but not quite as much fun as being a writer.

Reading Road 1 – How to be cool

Reading Road 2 – Sleeping spots

As a writer your main job is to be on the lookout for ideas. Carrying a notebook around with you is helpful. Once you have an idea the hard work starts. This usually involves sitting at a desk putting words into sentences.  A good story needs a structure, ie a beginning, middle and end. Characters are important too. Most of the stories I write begin with a character I am interested in. Usually it’s someone I find quirky or funny.  Stories (like people) are everywhere and usually, the more you write, the more ideas you will get. Bringing an idea to life and sharing it with others is the most magical thing in the world. And seeing your hard work turned into a book is the most rewarding thing ever.

Sunshine Starters – Hungry Harry

Sunshine Starters – The Famous Writer

So, if you enjoy collecting ideas and writing down sentences why not give it a go.
And if you get really good at it, one day you might not have to have a ‘proper’ job at all!

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