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Sunshine Books – Teaching the World to Read

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Sunshine Books Blog

Welcome to the Sunshine Books Blog!

Our blog is updated each month with a new post on a topic relevant to teachers. Our posts discuss practical ways that teachers can implement a structured literacy approach to teaching in their classrooms.

Navigating the Classroom

Navigating the Classroom: Small Group Instruction vs Whole Class Instruction in Years 0-3 This blog aims to spark dialogue and encourage educators to critically examine

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Mastering Reading Fluency

Mastering Reading Fluency – The Pillar to Solid Reading Comprehension In the vast landscape of reading instruction, fluency stands as a crucial pillar to comprehension.

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What are decodable books?

What are decodable books? Decodable books are designed to support a Synthetic Phonics method of teaching reading. In Synthetic Phonics, letter sounds (phonemes) and the

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