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Sunshine Online consists of two libraries:
Sunshine Online Decodable Library and Sunshine Online Levelled Library

The Decodable Library consists of 180 books which teach the alphabetic code in a systematic way. In this structured literacy program, books are automatically unlocked as students learn more sounds and letters. Digital assessment is also included. The Levelled Library contains 900+ books. Parents can select and assign appropriate titles to children to best fit their learning journey and to match their children’s interests.

Sunshine Online Decodable Library

180 decodable books support a structured way of teaching reading. In the books, only the letters and sounds that the children have been taught up to that point are used. This ensures children can ‘decode’ all the words on every page, so there is no need for them to guess words.

Decodables Online

Teaching your child sounds and letters

  • $150.00 Add to cart

The Decodable Library is the perfect digital resource to support a systematic, sequential, synthetic phonics approach for children aged four and older. Unique features of the Decodable Library include:

  • 180 fully decodable fiction and non-fiction titles
  • A strong Scope and Sequence from simple code, through complex code to extended code
  • Pure articulation of the phonemes (sounds) modelled for children
  • Children record and play back their own articulation of the sounds, and their blending of them to make words
  • Children can listen to the text being read, with decoding support if required, or they can read it independently
  • Children record themselves reading the text, review it, and re-record it if they wish
  • Activity worksheets, lesson plans, assessments are all provided.

Sunshine Online Levelled Library

  • More than 900 books with voice over (Levels 1–30+)
  • Organised into three Learning Spaces for Early, Emergent and Fluent readers
  • Over 2,000 interactive activities focusing on phonics and words, comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, fluency and writing
  • All content of all three Learning Spaces in Sunshine Online is available, providing children with a huge library of titles and activities

Fiction e-books

Sunshine Online includes a great selection of highly engaging texts by different authors, they offer narration and text highlighting to support the reader. Each e-book is followed by interactive activities.

Non-fiction e-books

The non-fiction e-books feature high-interest and age-appropriate topics. Some of the text include video. Many of the texts are ideal for inquiry-based learning and support STEAM education.

Interactive activities

Sunshine Online includes fun, interactive activities that explore a wide range of skills. As the programme develops, many of the activities become more open-ended, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding of the text in creative ways.

Teacher resources

The Staffroom section provides teaching support resources. These include teaching notes, activity sheets, curriculum-linking documents, Skill Overview Charts etc.

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