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Sunshine Starters

Themed Books for Reading Workshops

Engaging texts for Interest Boxes

In reading workshops, teachers help students to develop their reading skills by engaging meaningfully with texts. Reading workshops often involve sharing thoughts and engaging in conversation as young readers use the texts to find information and answer questions on chosen topics.
We have arranged our much-loved Sunshine Starters into ten themes so that they can be sorted into interest boxes, which will help students to target the kind of information they are looking for in their inquiries. The themes are consistent across packs, so teachers can pick books of varying complexity to suit all readers. The content of these books is rich and engaging and will take students another step down the path to a life-long love of reading and engagement with books.

  • Engaging fiction and non-fiction texts
  • High-frequency words presented as flashcards on the inside front cover of each book
  • Comprehensive teaching notes available for free download
  • Comprehension task on the outside back cover
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Sunshine Starters books are rich and engaging. Children will enjoy the beautiful illustrations and funny, thoughtful and memorable characters. The books can be used in a way that suits the individual students. For those who haven’t mastered the alphabetic code, they can be used as an art reference or story inspiration. Confident decoders will be ready to transition to read these authentic texts.


Reading workshops often involve small group settings where students share their thoughts on topics they are researching, facilitating deeper conversations. By giving students control over their book choices, workshops encourage them to share and discuss their insights, enhancing engagement and dialogue.


The Sunshine Starters fiction titles have been designed to hook students in from the cover and then keep them reading right up to the very last enjoyable page! Our talented authors have written stories that even feature footloose flamingoes and runaway pants! There are an abundance of fun stories that your students will want to read.


The Sunshine Starters non-fiction texts are perfect for sparking students’ natural curiosity about the world around them. Including high interest topics, the books will help students to develop their general knowledge and expand their vocabulary.


Students are introduced to a range of different text types including factual reports, recounts, procedural texts, persuasive texts and explanations.

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