Te Reo Māori - Developing Readers Pack
Sixteen books from our popular Sunshine Starters series are now available translated into te reo Māori. We hope these books will help to develop a love of speaking and reading in te reo Māori. There are both fiction and non-fiction, with full colour illustrations or photographs. They can also be used as take-home resources for sharing with families. These 16-page books also feature the English text on the inside back cover and are available to buy individually.

Individual Titles
Jamie Te Huia Cowell
Our translator for the Developing Readers Pack is Jamie Te Huia Cowell. Her passion for the reo and looking after it as a taonga for current and future generations drives Te Huia to contribute to its maintenance and sustenance, to continue to make choices in alignment with being a good ancestor and custodian, and to pursue opportunities that align with preserving the language’s mana and mauri. Te reo Māori is a taonga for all of us to enjoy, and the more quality resources available to our tamariki and whānau in te reo Māori, the more the language will become normalised and continue to flourish.
He taonga tuku iho tō tātou reo Māori, maimoatia, kōrerotia, whakanuia.
Our Māori language is a treasure to be passed on, cherish it, speak it, celebrate it.